
Express Interest


Just like His Only Son retold the story of Abraham and Isaac, this film will explore the lives of Jacob, Leah, and Rachel and show the part they played in God’s plan of redemption.

People expressed interest*
*No money or other consideration is being solicited, and if sent in response, will not be accepted. No offer to buy the securities can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received until the offering statement is filed and only through an intermediary's platform. A person's indication of interest involves no obligation or commitment of any kind.
Starry night

The Jacob Film

  1. Thanks to a successful $1.235 million theatrical crowdfund for His Only Son,* Writer/Director David Helling is making another biblically-accurate movie about the life of Jacob—the son of Isaac and the grandson of Abraham.  

  2. The film will chronicle the entire life of Jacob beginning with the death of Abraham. 

  3. Just like His Only Son retold the story of Abraham and Isaac, this film will explore the lives of Jacob, Leah, and Rachel and show the part they played in God’s plan of redemption. 

  4. The film will present these biblical figures as real people and further explore the fulfillment of God’s promises to Abraham as we continue to journey on the path of God’s redemptive plan. 

  5. His Only Son was the first step in the journey of working chronologically through Scripture. This movie about Jacob will be the second.** 

*Success in other projects does not guarantee success for the Jacob film. There can be no assurance that the projected results will be obtained, and actual results may vary significantly from the projections.

**The Jacob Film and His Only Son are separate companies. Revenue generated by the distribution of His Only Son are not paid to The Jacob Film.

Mountain sunset

About Jacob 

This will be a feature-length film dedicated to the life of Jacob told in a way that has never been presented before. 

The Jacob film will get to the heart of the man who sought to live his life in his own strength until being broken and humbled by the Lord—having his name changed to a name that lives on today, in a people, in a nation—Israel.

Like His Only Son, the purpose of this film is to further enrich the faith of those who see it, to give a greater understanding of God’s redemptive plan He’s had from the beginning, and ultimately, to draw people to the Word for the sake of the Gospel.

Starry night over mountains

What Will the Movie be Like?

What can we glean from the success of The Chosen and The Passion of the Christ?* Audiences love when filmmakers devotedly bring historic period pieces vividly to their eyes, empowering immersion into the story.

Viewers also love rich character development, backstory, sophisticated dialogue, and faithfulness to the historical record. And perhaps most of all, they want to see the accurate depiction of eternal truth.

And that is exactly what Writer/Director David Helling hopes to accomplish in this upcoming film about the life of Jacob.

*Success in other projects does not guarantee success for the Jacob film. There can be no assurance that the projected results will be obtained, and actual results may vary significantly from the projections.

The Challenge

With the successful completion of the theatrical crowdfund for His Only Son,* Writer/Director David Helling hopes to launch a new crowdfunding investment for the Jacob film. 

Before launching the crowdfund, enough people must Express Interest to signify their desire to see this story be told. When you Express Interest, you are telling the world that you want to help share this story and ensure that faith-based films continue to positively impact future generations. 

*Success in other projects does not guarantee success for the Jacob film. There can be no assurance that the projected results will be obtained, and actual results may vary significantly from the projections.

Deeply Rooted Values

From the creator, David Helling: 

“Since my time as a Marine in Iraq, when the Lord got ahold of my heart and drew me to His Word, my life's mission and desire has been to illustrate and exposit the Bible through film—so that others can see what I saw in Scripture... and in seeing they might believe... and in believing they may have life in His name.”

David Helling


David Helling grew up in Southern Louisiana but spent the bulk of his teens in Texas. Upon graduating high school, David shipped to California for a five-year stint in the United States Marine Corps—a commitment which eventually took him to the sands of Al-Anbar Province in Iraq. There, in the desert, near the edge of ancient Babylon in a combat zone, another battle was raging in David himself—a war within that eventually drove to the Bible. The result was a transformed heart, sincere faith, and a burning desire to tell others of those biblical accounts.

Since then, David has made it his life’s mission to bring scripture’s truth from the page to the screen. This endeavor has resulted in many short films and scripts, garnering numerous awards, accolades and international attention—all of which culminated in his debut feature film, His Only Son.